Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Surrendering to a new perspective on death

31 December 2008

This message was channeled from Spirit for my dear friends who were grieving for the loss of their beloved dog, but it contains such beautiful words of inspiration. love and solace for all of us. And so, I decided to share it with others as my first blog, and truly hope that it brings comfort and peace to many, for we must all at some time, journey through the pain and sadness of letting go in the physical, those we love so deeply.

"This message comes from many in Spirit who are with you at this moment. I have come to bring a message for your dear friends. Tell them not to fret for we have come to bring a message of hope and peace.

We understand that your heart aches with sorrow and unforgiveness for the difficulty in which you now face, but it is a time to remember in your greatest hour of need that you have only to surrender your heart and we will embrace you, lifting the burden you feel. ....

When the time of passing comes a doorway opens to healing, forgiveness and compassion – for self and others. And you will see, a great understanding will come to you of the transience of time. Trust not in limited perceptions of anger and loss. Know that we stand before you and with you in your time of sorrow. We cannot take your pain away but we can surround you in love and hold your hand as you step forth and embark upon the journey of loss and understanding – a deep understanding of how time passes yet stands still. A knowing that all things come to an end in their present state, but continue forthwith eternally in Spirit.

The presence of those you love is eternally bound to your soul. You only have to reach out and touch them and they are there. Illusion teaches you they are not there because you cannot ‘see’ them but if you see with your soul you will always see them, know them and feel them. In a twinkling of an eye, their presence can be felt as strongly as you would have known their presence in the physical. Yet now in Spirit you can know them deeper, where love is the only operating force and the distractions of life are lost, immaterial to the connection you feel of your loved ones.

Trust that what you experience is real. No more real, no less real than what you currently feel and experience. Learn to trust your knowing and step beyond the illusion of separation. We hold you in our hearts dear one. We know that you have the strength and conviction to step up to the task, task not as in duty, but in a deed that demands great courage – to surrender the one you love to eternal peace, and surrender. For dying is but a surrender into peace. Love and Light surround those we love and they look back longingly at us that we too may know the joy that now fills their hearts.

You are a child of God and we beseech you to remember this, in your darkest hour of need, we are here for you in strength and force – lifting your Spirit when it is down and holding your heart in love and honour for your true self that shines so brightly in your hour of need.

Light and Love rain down upon you and your Earth at this time. Take heed of the moment when all eternity stops to welcome the soul of your beloved one. It would be apparent that time stands still, if but for a moment, but time is fluid and one moment merges with the next. The past in inexorably locked and linked with the future, with only a breath and pause which is the present, being the space between the two. In this manner, with this knowledge, know that a passing of life is but a continuum of existence, just as the breath passes in and out, the pause between is simply the change of form and matter. Your loved ones live not as you would have known them but simply in a new form and manner to that which you previously knew.

They are with you always in your heart of hearts. ... Know this dear one, you are being taught the lesson of surrender in a way that challenges your beliefs to the core and asks much of you at this time. It is not easy to surrender to the loss of the ones we love, for it creates a great open space within our hearts that we would fill with sorrow and darkness. But if we were to look beyond the pain and see there the opportunity to fill our hearts with Light and Love and witness the miracle of surrender, then we would come to know that time and life is immemorial. That the fleeting chance of knowing a soul in one form over another, challenges us to see the whole picture, the whole story – the continuous flow of energy as it metamorphasises from one state to the next. Eternal, ever-changing, at one with all, momentarily individualising before returning to the All that Is.

A blessed gift in time. An individual expression of Love in its unique form as one individual, until reuniting once again with the whole expression of Love in its entirety. More special for its brief time and the blessed expression of its individual nature. However, this is what we attach our emotions to – to the individual expression of Love, forgetting that it is a part of the whole, and must one day return to that whole as must we, when our individual journey completes its expression in time and space.

Hold dear that memory of the beautiful expression of love manifested in the form of your beloved ones and hold them dear to your hearts for they are no less for being only a part of the whole expression of life itself. Mark and celebrate each aspect of their unique identity and expression as you know it to be, for they are a wonder of God’s love and remain so in your hearts. You honour them with your love and your tears which express the great sorrow at parting with one so dear. Do not hold back your sorrow from them, for you do them great honour in showing them the joy and peace they have brought you. Laugh and cry with them, mingle your tears and laughter with joy and sorrow. Fill their heart with love as they journey forward unto the Light of Love, which is ready to embrace them only with love and tenderness. Breathe with them. Breathe as you surrender together the love you have known – a love which can never die when you surrender into the Light...."