Friday, May 15, 2009

Conscious Living - The sound of your Soul Print.

A Message from Abraham - Channelled 9 May 2009.

Open your heart and ears and listen as we sing to you the praises of old which awaken your soul to its true knowing. You are capable of perceiving Spirit at many levels and you can hear our message. Sweet music reigns down upon your planet for all to hear, though only some perceive the finite sound. When your soul is open and you open your heart all possibilities are true, for you to hear the music of Spirit. The Universe sounds in colour for you to perceive its beauty. You can know this if you try.

Practice sitting in the silence and open your heart to the possibility of music flowing into you, opening and cleansing your being. Spirit speaks to you and answers our prayers daily so take the time to listen to the answers, to the Light vibration which emanates from love itself. You are truly one of us, and you come in peace and hope so allow your being to shine openly for all to see. Allow and love willingly, endlessly, peaceably, dear child of the Light.

We hear you now and your own joy shines out across the Universe, sweet sounds of melody, rich and sweet to the ears of the soul. Weaving magic in your wake that heals and soothes the aching soul. Awaken to your true potential and sing your song for all to hear. You have much to give, limited only by your own choice to stay hidden. Awaken dear one. Be alive, truly alive in every sense of the word. You are a magical being of Light, created in the image of light and love, so enjoy it to its full potential and listen to your own unique sound as it reverberates across the Universe. Then listen as it returns to you, a reflection of the source unto which it came – a two way dialogue through the bouncing back of sound waves across the Universe, emanating heart to heart.

You are one with all when you listen to your sound as it comes back to you from afar, as perceived by others. Riches you cannot imagine abound when you become conscious of the energy you put out - to understand the effect you make - when you receive it back, tenfold.

Conscious living is an art-form many of you are yet to master but you are waking to your potential as we speak to each of you and enlighten you to the possibility. It resonates with that part of you which understands the subtle strengths and truths of your beingness. You are coming to understand that we speak not of one way of being but many.

It is a dialectic phenomenon which your speech patterns are not capable of witnessing. But you can try to emulate this sound when you open your voice and with soft breath blow out the sound that wishes to express itself. Close your eyes and imagine you are a songbird, with a long golden tail of light which gives you balance and rhythm, a throat of red light for warmth and passion, 3 small feathers upon your head which give you key and lightness of sound, ethereal sound.

Now open your heart and sing beloved. In your mind’s eye sing your joy to the Universe and deliver its sweet sound to the very feet of Jesus, for his love for you lifts you up and carries you across the Universe, showing you for all to see and hear, that you are a worthy voice to be heard amongst many. Then feel the love reflected back at you –your own unique sound as it has touched others. Receive the reflection of light and sound into your being and allow it to filter through lovingly across your whole being. You are a child of God and you do well to remember this always.

Light beings of love is your true natures and you can assist each other to remember your true essence in the fullness of time, and the time is ripe now.
Be your most beautiful souls that you are and shine your light for all to benefit.

With love and light we depart you.